Chief Information Officer

"My experiences have prepared me well to offer my expertise as a researcher. For me, each new client provides an opportunity for me to engage the wide range of skills and depth of knowledge I have developed toward pursuing my vision of helping individuals, institutions, and communities reach their highest potential."

As President of Creative Research Solutions, Dr. Travis Tatum is dedicated to helping individuals, institutions, and communities improve their performance through high-quality research and deliverables. With his unique combination of excellent academic preparation, research training, and communication skills, Dr. Tatum is able to provide outstanding value to your organization.

Dr. Tatum earned his Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Michigan and currently resides in Atlanta, GA. As a social psychologist, Dr. Tatum is skilled in finding ways to measure seemingly “unmeasurable” outcomes. For example, his 2009 co-authored article in Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, “Teachers and Learners: Roles Adopted in Interracial Discussions,” examined the extent to which White and Black discussion participants felt that they were in “teacher” and “learner” roles while talking about race. Likewise, Dr. Tatum’s dissertation, Directed Attention and Stereotype Threat in Interracial Interactions examined White participants’ experience of stereotype threat in the context of talking about race. Each of these projects demonstrated Dr. Tatum’s ability to effectively measure social outcomes even when dealing with challenging issues or situations.

In addition to his academic experience, he has also developed strong facilitation skills through the CommonGround program at the University of Michigan. Facilitation differs from other communication skills in that it focuses on helping others bring forward their ideas to the benefit of the group, especially where either situational factors or individual differences in communication style might otherwise interfere with communication. When applied to interviews and focus groups, Dr. Tatum’s ability to thoughtfully engage with participants will greatly enhance the depth and quality of the data collected.

Dr. Tatum has previously served as President of the Atlanta-Area Evaluation Association.